What are some fashion tips for thin women?

Some of us are gifted by nature with perfect body shape. However, if you are naturally thin, it can be harder than you think to find and choose clothes that work best with your body shape. Your goal is to find the clothes and style that adds you curves in the right places.  

Here are some fashion tips you should follow if you are skinny.  

Horizontal Stripes  

Horizontal Stripes add an illusionary effect. If you wear dresses, tops or trousers with horizontal lines it will make you look slightly broader and wider. 



The “right” fit 

The outfit that you go for should fit you perfectly because wrongly selected clothes can make you look a lot skinnier. If your clothes hang from you, you won’t be able to get the right look.  


Go "baggy” 

Try to choose baggy styles such as t-shirts and dresses but stay away from baggy pants. Remember you need to look stylish when picking those clothes. Don’t forget that too baggy clothes will make you look even skinnier, you need to keep a healthy balance when selecting this outfit.   


 Skinny fit types of denim 

Skinny people look best in high waist skinny jeans. However, skinny jeans are the most difficult to wear and shop for. Keep in mind that If you are tall and skinny, those jeans can create an illusion of abnormally long legs.   


Hide your skinny legs  

If you want to hide your skinny legs and still look stylish – opt for maxi-skirts and dresses. They look better on you if they are fitted at the waist and then loose.  


Skinny girls can’t wear everything and anything. Everyone has individual body shape and we should keep that in mind when selecting clothes. What works for one body type may not work for another. Hope this article will give you an idea of what to wear when you are slim and in need of inspiration.  

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(This article features luxury brand – AMPOUR™️ to find out more about them, click on the link https://ampouronline.com/)