How To Build A Simple Capsule Wardrobe?

If your current closet situation represents chaos and disorganisation, it's a sign you need a serious Marie Kondo declutter! Over the yearsfast fashion enabled us to inexpensively stuff our wardrobes to capacity. Yet, many of us still complain"I have nothing to wear", with their wardrobe packed to the brim. 

How to build a capsule wardrobe from scratch? 

Take every single piece of clothing from your wardrobe and consider the last time you wore it. Will you wear it again? If it was 5-8 months ago maybe it's time to sell it or donate it to charity. Your main goal is to build a base wardrobe of pieces that will last for a few seasons


Next, look for current pieces in your wardrobe and see if there is something you would consider wearing long-term. 

Things to consider when adding or replacing items in your capsule:

  1. How many outfits can I create with this item?
  2. Does it fit with my style? 
  3. Does the fit and fabric work for me?  

Don't be afraid to introduce new pieces to your capsule once in a while but don't forget the standard rule of thumb"One in, one out". Which means if you buy one item, sell or donate the old one.   

Dress for your body size 

Always dress for your body size. If you tend to buy clothes 2 sizes up or 2 down think again if it's a good strategy for you. Some people buy smaller clothes as motivation. Whereas other people buy bigger clothes in case they put on weight. Don't forget that when you reach your weight goals you can always sell off what doesn’t fit anymore and replace them. 

Pick your colour and signature print

Look at the base colours and accent colours you currently wear. Which colours are dominant and you feel comfortable wearing? Are there any particular colours you prefer over others? If yes, then stick with these colours. The same with prints, if you prefer zebra over leopard then wear it. At the end of the day, it's your unique capsule wardrobe! 

Find a balance 

You want your wardrobe to be a reflection of who you are but also who you want to be in the future. You always need to think long term. For example, if you have been travelling for a while and got offered a corporate job you may want to stock up on suit and pants over comfy T-shirts. You would probably need basic tops and T-shirts in your capsule wardrobe but always think long term. Will you stay in this job short or long term?  

Stop impulsive buying

Do you often find yourself buying clothes for the "right time"you know this wedding in 3 months? Or the final sale you couldn't resist 2 weeks ago? Instead of buying on a whim, try to make every purchase count. After all, what's the point of getting cheap clothes you will wear once or twice? 


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